Brian Spooner is a Professor in the Department of Anthropology in the School of Arts and Sciences, and Curator for Near Eastern Ethnology in the Penn Museum. University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA 19104-6228. Phone: 215.898.4965 Fax: 215.573.2052 Intramural Building Code: 6228. Penn Calendar. English, School of Arts & Sciences. It is the study of the human condition everywhere; its cultural, linguistic, and biological diversity; and how it evolved and developed from the prehistoric past into the globalizing present. Professor of History, and Kathleen D. Morrison the Sally and Alvin V. Shoemaker Professor of Anthropology and curator of South Asia in the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archae-A highly distinguished scholar of Enlight-enment France and the Age of Revolutions, Dr. Rosenfeld was previously a professor of history at Yale University. Literacy, Culture, and International Education Division. Andrew M. Carruthers is Assistant Professor in the Department of Anthropology at the University of Pennsylvania, where he teaches courses in linguistic anthropology, semiotics, and Southeast Asian Studies, in addition to topical classes on migration and globalization. The Department of Psychology at the University of Pennsylvania is the oldest continuously functioning psychology department in North America. Maria Pape. Middle East Center 3340 Walnut Street Fisher-Bennett Hall, Suite 228 Philadelphia, PA 19104-6273 215-898-6335 Roger Abrahams. When Briana Nichols, a joint doctoral candidate in Penn GSE and anthropology, started working within communities of extensive migration, she says the thing they cared about the most was what it took to not migrate. Arthur Hobson Quinn Professor of Anthropology, Penn Arts & Sciences Ph.D., Anthropology, University of Chicago. PIK professors have dual appointments, which means they're on the faculty of two different Penn schools. Recent Downloads. Socio-Cultural Anthropology. Curriculum Vitae Google Scholar Email: Department Link: UPenn Department of Psychology. 323 3260 South Street Philadelphia, PA 19104-6398 ACADEMIC APPOINTMENTS Present Richard Perry University Professor Professor of Anthropology, Department of Anthropology Professor of Communication, Annenberg School for Communication Facebook. SPONSORS. Harun Küçük John L. Jackson, Jr., is the Walter H. Annenberg Dean of the Annenberg School for Communication and Richard Perry University Professor at the University of . Mediterranean Section, University Museum. Erickson is currently Associate Professor in Anthropology at U. Penn and Associate Curator of the American Section of the Penn Museum. print. 745 Williams Hall 255 S 36th St. University of Pennsylvania 426 McNeil Building 3718 Locust Walk Philadelphia, PA 19104-6209. 215-898-6948 David Grazian Professor of Sociology and Communication Faculty Director, Urban Studies Program. 1967-70: University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia . Professor of East Asian Studies, Curator of Chinese Art, University of Pennsylvania Museum (East Asian art and architecture) 853 Williams Hall /6305 (215) 898-6256. The Department of Psychology at the University of Pennsylvania is the oldest continuously functioning psychology department in North America. The School of Arts of Sciences made this difficult decision in order to focus resources on supporting current students during the COVID-19 pandemic and ensure that there is adequate resourcing to . The Department of Anthropology, located in the Academic Wing of the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, houses MA and PhD programs as well as offering an undergraduate major and minor and participating in joint degree programs with other departments and schools.The department includes more than 50 undergraduate majors, more than 70 graduate . . Department Office. 642 Williams Hall University of Pennsylvania 255 South 36th Street Philadelphia, PA 19104-6305. (215) 898-4071. Nikhil Anand is an environmental anthropologist whose research focuses on cities, infrastructure, state power and climate change. University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA 19104-6299. University of Pennsylvania Department of Anthropology University Museum, Rm. Theodore Schurr Professor of Anthropology; Graduate Group Chair Timothy Rommen Davidson Kennedy Professor in the College More Emeritus Clark Erickson Professor of Anthropology Brian Spooner Professor of Anthropology Robert Preucel Professor Emeritus, Anthropology More Visiting Scholars Austin Chad Hill Postdoctoral Fellow Hadeel Assali . About; Anthropology. Read more about Gabriella Coleman. Email: Phone: (215) 898-2834. Edmund J. and Louise W. Kahn Term Professor of Anthropology Dr. Reina was 92. Professor of Anthropology, Penn Arts & Sciences. Fariha Khan Co-Director. James B. Pritchard Professor of Archaeology. From U.S.-Mexico border walls to Flint's poisoned pipes, there is a new urgency . Anthropology is the study of what it means to be human across space and time. Associated Faculty. Contact. Professor of Education. Twitter. Dionte Harris. He addresses these questions by studying the political ecology of cities, read through the different lives of water. John L. Jackson, Jr. John L. Jackson, Jr. is the Walter H. Annenberg Dean of the Annenberg School for Communication and the Richard Perry University Professor of Communication, Anthropology, and Africana Studies. University of Pennsylvania Ph.D. in Music (Anthropology of Music) . Students in Rob DeRubeis's lab code sessions of cognitive therapy for depression to identify therapist and client behaviors related to better . . Use the filters above to narrow your search. University of Pennsylvania. Research and Teaching Interests Cultures of Hacking, Science and Technology Studies, Media Anthropology, The Cultures of Liberalism, Digital. Deborah A. Thomas is the R. Jean Brownlee Professor of Anthropology in the Department of Anthropology at the University of Pennsylvania. I completed my Ph.D. in Anthropology and Master's of Public Health at Northwestern University and am currently an Assistant Professor of Anthropology at the University of Pennsylvania. Browse the Department of Anthropology Collections: Anthrofest. Footer Content. 0. Kevin M.F. Center for Latin American and Latinx Studies Program 473 McNeil Building 3718 Locust Walk Philadelphia, PA 19104-6209 (215) 898-9919 Professor and Department Chair of Anthropology Sino-Tibetan and Indo-Aryan linguistics; semiotics; discourse analysis; social theory (Ph.D. Chicago, 1990) (215) 898-4110 University Museum, Room 511 Read Bio Anthropology: Linguistic, PhD. Martin Cheatle, PhD Associate Professor of Psychology in Psychiatry at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania Anna Rose Childress, PhD Fernando Chang-Muy. Lauren Ristvet, University of Pennsylvania, Anthropology Department, Faculty Member. Anthropology, Minor. Curator-in-Charge, Mediterranean Section, University Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology; Immediate Past President, Archaeological Institute of America; Trustee, American Academy in Rome. "Lynn Meskell appointed Penn Integrates Knowledge University Professor," Penn Today, November 18, 2020. Associate Professor. 21 Divinity Avenue Cambridge MA 02138. intellectual biography of Shen Kua 沈括 (1031-1095) translations of key documents for a source book of Chinese science and medicine. . Dr. Clark Erickson, Professor of Anthropology, Curator-in-charge of the American Section, Penn Museum. edit. First a professor of Ethnology and Anthropology at the Academy of Natural Sciences, then later Penn's first Professor of Archaeology and Linguistics, Brinton (1837-1899) is considered one of the fathers of American anthropology. Alex Posecznick, Ph.D. My research interests include biocultural anthropology, public health, medical anthropology, political ecology, evolutionary theory, the biosocial . Dr. Brian Daniels, Director of Research and Programs for the Penn Cultural Heritage Center, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Anthropology. Willie, Sarah Susannah Wendy Ashmore, former associate professor in Penn's department of anthropology and emeritus fellow of the Museum's Kolb Society, died January 8 in Riverside, California, after a long battle with two auto-immune diseases. John L. Jackson, Jr. is a filmmaker and urban anthropologist who works at the intersection of visual culture, critical race theory, media studies, and the ethnography of diasporic religions. Dr. Reina was born in Huinca Renenco, Cordoba Province . Read Bio. Piker, Steven. Oren Kosansky is Assistant Professor of Anthropology at Lewis & Clark College. PhD Candidate Comparative Literature & Literary Theory University of Pennsylvania . (215) 898-7466: Fax: (215) 573-9617: e-mail: . Program information. Jane Abrams, Lecturer, School of Social Policy and Practice. Department of Psychology / Stephen A. Levin Building / 425 S. University Ave / Philadelphia, PA 19104-6018 Phone: (215) 898-7300 / Anne-Marie . Ra'anan S. Boustan is Associate Professor of History and Near Eastern Languages and Cultures at the University of California, Los Angeles. Faculty Directory. University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education 3700 Walnut Street Philadelphia, PA 19104. 2021-2022 Fellows. Nat Nesvaderani. Phone: 215-898-1782. Anthropology is the global social science. Anthropology is the key to the contemporary curriculum. Lynn Meskell has been named the University of Pennsylvania's 26th Penn Integrates Knowledge University Professor.. Read Bio. With appointments in the School of Arts & Sciences, the School of Social Policy & Practice, the Annenberg School for Communication, and the Graduate School of Education, Jackson works . 19104 | Phone: 215.898.0895 | Email: . Briana Nichols focuses her work not on migrants, but on the people who stay. Anthropology Senior Theses. Richard Perry University Professor of Communication and Anthropology Professor of Africana Studies, Dean, Annenberg School for Communication. Prof. Greg Urban, Co-director, Psychoanalytic Studies Minor Arthur Hobson Quinn Professor of Anthropology 215-898-0895 READ BIO > Prof. Liliane Weissberg Christopher H. Browne Distinguished Professor in Arts and Science 215-898-3343 747 Williams Hall/6305 READ BIO > Administrative Coordinator Yuko Goto Butler. Adjunct Associate Professor in Anthropology and in the Graduate . His research has been funded by the National Science Foundation, H. John Heinz Charitable Trust, the University Research Foundation, American Philosophical Society, and the Interamerican Foundation. PIK Professors at Penn Arts & Sciences are remarkable for their drive to solve complex, real-world problems, and deepen the University's rich tradition of collaboration across disciplinary boundaries. 0 Downloads since. Professor of Folklore & Asian and . The appointment took effect on January 1, 2021. Joseph S. Francisco Faculty Co-Lead Department of Psychology / Stephen A. Levin Building / 425 S. University Ave / Philadelphia, PA 19104-6018 Phone: (215) 898-7300 / Website. Program Contact. Only a portion of the original plan for the . Contemporary Islamic Practices, Middle East and North Africa (Jordan and Egypt), Anthropology of the Body. This degree certifies that, in addition to having a sound knowledge of anthropology as a whole, the holder has been trained to do independent research at a professional level of competence in at least one of the . from the University of the New Mexico in 1987, and her B.A. Elaine Simon, Ph.D. Co-Director, Urban Studies Program. You can also access pre-sorted lists for each of the six academic departments: Bioengineering (BE), Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (CBE), Computer and Information Science (CIS), Electrical and Systems Engineering (ESE), Materials Science and Engineering (MSE), and Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics (MEAM). Anthropology of Religion, Psychological Anthropology, Medical Anthropology, Native Americans and Field Work. The University of Pennsylvania is pleased to invite applications for the 2022-23 . Center for East Asian Studies. Real-time Readership. Abstract: . The emphasis in the Graduate Program is on training candidates for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Email: Phone: (215) 898-2282. Platt Edmund J. and Louise W. Kahn Term Professor in the Humanities . School of Arts and Sciences. Questions can be addressed to the Office of the Vice Provost for Faculty at College of Arts & Sciences; This is the Homepage for Greg Urban, Professor of Anthropology at the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Elizabeth M. Brannon graduated Summa Cum Laude from The University of Pennsylvania, where she received her B.A. Professor, Dept. From the University of Notre Dame 1984. Department of Anthropology at the University of Washington, Seattle . News. Arthur Hobson Quinn Professor of Anthropology. MORE. Dr. Ashmore was born in Los Angeles and earned her BA in anthropology from UCLA in 1969. University of Pennsylvania 426 McNeil Building 3718 Locust Walk Philadelphia, PA 19104-6209. 215-898-6948 David Grazian Professor of Sociology and Communication Faculty Director, Urban Studies Program. Kristen Hawkes, Distinguished Professor, Anthropology Department, University of Utah. Nikhil Anand. Matthew McHugh, the Independence Chair for Nursing Education and Professor of Nursing, has been appointed the Director for the University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing's Center for Health Outcomes and Policy Research (CHOPR). In Situ. . University of Pennsylvania Penn Museum 3260 South Street Philadelphia, PA 19104 215.746.0419 The Anthropology minor is a 6 credit minor, in which students are encouraged to draw from . Elaine Simon, Ph.D. Co-Director, Urban Studies Program. It includes links to his book publications, curriculum vitae, research interests, and contact information. His research and teaching interests are in the broad area of the social mobilisation of power and interests in Africa as manifested in and/or through ethnicity, nationalism, racial and urban formations, elites, state and civil society, media, intellectual history, and social theory. MARCH 3. From Penn GSE ・ January 21, 2022. Work done in the Thompson-Schill Lab shows increased activity in the left frontal operculum when healthy volunteers were asked to selectively . Psychology is the science of mind, brain, and behavior. The political and economic chaos that followed inspired Ghodsee to pursue an academic . Prof. Morrison earned her Ph.D. in Anthropology from the University of California, Berkeley in 1992, her M.A. Stanley Caroff, MD Emeritus Professor CE of Psychiatry. Professor of Anthropology at Penn Curator-in-Charge of the American Section at the Penn Museum (215) 898-2282 Office 436, University Museum Read Bio Grant Frame Professor of AssyriologyCurator of the Babylonian Section of the Penn Museum 215-898-4128 230, Penn Museum Read Bio Campbell Grey E. Cabrina Campbell, MD Professor of Psychiatry at the Veteran's Administration Medical Center. 820 Williams Hall 255 S. 36th Street Philadelphia, PA 19104-6305 Phone: 215-898-4490 or 215-898-8816 Fax: 215-573-2138. C. Brian Rose. Facebook; Twitter; PHONE 215.573.4203 Department of History & Sociology of Science at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. In this introductory course, we explore how language is at the heart of what it means to be human, examining the constituting role of language in the human experience in societies across the globe. Associate Professor of Latin American Film and Spanish in the Department of Languages and Cultures at West Chester University of Pennsylvania. The Cold War, American Archaeology, and UNESCO in Egypt and Syria (with C. Luke), History and Anthropology 31/4. Associated Faculty, Anthropology Babette Zemel 1-877-PENN-GSE of Psychology. . Our courses are cross-listed in a variety of other departments: disciplinary, such as English, History, Linguistics, Biology, Psychology, and Religious Studies; areal, such as East Asian Studies, Latin American and Latino Studies, Near East Studies, African Studies, Africana Studies, and South Asian Studies; and professional schools and . Wale Adebanwi is Presidential Penn Compact Professor of Africana Studies at the University of Pennsylvania. Penn Integrates Knowledge (PIK) Professors hold joint appointments in two or more schools and exemplify excellence in multidisciplinary scholarship and learning. Professor of Anthropology On Leave Fall 2021. Jeffrey Applegate, Adjunct Professor, School of Social Policy and Practice. February 2, 2021. vol 67 issue 25. Studies Anthropology, Near Eastern Archaeology, and Assyriology. Lawrence Blum, Faculty, PCOP; Clinical Faculty, Psychiatry; Adjunct Professor, Anthropology in Physical Anthropology in 1992. Tel: Ofc. Imagine the unique viewpoint and knowledge of a professor who works in both anthropology and filmmaking, medicine and ethics, chemistry and engineering, or epidemiology and health psychology. Eiichiro Azuma Co-Director. Her research explores Islam in the United States, with a particular focus on how race and religion inform relations among "native" and immigrant Muslim groups. Susan Adelman, Faculty, Psychoanalytic Center of Philadelphia, Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychology in Psychiatry, Lecturer, English. Stiteler Hall B21 (208 South 37th Street) Title: Grandmothers and human evolution. When the Berlin Wall fell in 1989, Kristen R. Ghodsee was traveling in Europe, and spent the summer of 1990 witnessing first-hand the initial hope and euphoria that followed the sudden and unexpected collapse of state socialism in the former Eastern Bloc. She is also core faculty in Gender, Sexuality and Women's Studies, holds a secondary appointment with the Graduate School of Education, and is a member of the graduate groups in English, Africana Studies . Practice Professor of Anthropology, Undergraduate Chair Elaine Simon Adjunct Associate Professor, Director of Urban Studies Program Gretchen Suess Adjunct Assistant Professor; Director of Evaluation for the Netter Center for Community Partnerships Kathleen Hall Associate Professor of Education. Read Bio. MARCH 2. Lecturer. Benjamin Rush Professor in Psychiatry. Department of Anthropology Papers. Marina Rustow is Charlotte Bloomberg Associate Professor of the Humanities at the Johns Hopkins University. Research: conflict, cultural loss, and human rights violations; community-based approaches to cultural heritage preservation; Indigenous rights and recognition . The Center for Experimental Ethnography invites audiences to the first English stage performance of Amitav Ghosh's adaptation of an episode from the legend of Bon Bibi, titled: "Jungle-nama: A Story of the Sundarban." The performance will take place at the Montgomery Theatre at Penn Live Arts. University of California, Los Angeles, Asistant Professor of Anthropology. The announcement was made today by President Amy Gutmann and Provost Wendell Pritchett.. Meskell, a world-renowned archaeologist, is the Richard D. Green University Professor, with joint appointments in the Department of Anthropology of the School of Arts & Sciences, the . Professor of Anthropology. Society for Cultural Anthropology . the social relations of Chinese medicine, from a point of view which combines the conceptual tools of history of science with those of cultural and social anthropology and sociology. Department of Anthropology at Cornell University, Ithaca, New York . She was 70. Penn A-Z. Adjunct Assistant Professor : (215) 898-4831 : Timothy M. Hall: Lecturer : (215) 573-4564 : Kathleen D. Hall: Associate Professor of Education and Anthropology : (215) 573-9612 : Jessie Harper: Assistant Dean, Faculty Affairs and Diversity Phone: (215) 898-7300 / . Illustration by Salman Toor. The following message was sent to President Gutmann and Provost Pritchett on August 11, 2020 Dear President Gutmann and Provost Pritchett, We, faculty, staff, and students of the University of Pennsylvania, are writing today to call attention to the extreme circumstances of our work lives since the start of the COVID-19 global pandemic. Imperialism, Internationalism, and Archaeology in the Un/Making of the Middle East, American Anthropologist, 122/3: 554-567 The diverse methodological interests of the anthropology of music faculty are reflected in the truly interdisciplinary curricular . Alex Posecznick has been Program Manager and a member of the associated faculty in Education, Culture, and Society and International Educational Development since 2011. The Department of Anthropology at the University of Pennsylvania will not accept applications for the PhD program during the 2020-21 admissions cycle. Ruben E. Reina, professor emeritus of anthropology at University of Pennsylvania and consulting curator emeritus at Penn Museum, died on December 17. Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Reina studied modern and historical cultures in Central America, South America and Spain with a focus on Guatemala. Penn WebLogin (215) 898-5857: Dept. Educational Linguistics Division. Associate Professor 325 Claudia Cohen Hall Sign up at or email me to set up an appointment at other times Education PhD Stanford University BA Barnard College My work is situated at the intersection of history of medicine, anthropology, and STS. Caribbean folklore; performance theory; carnival. Research: historical ecology and archaeology of landscapes focusing on Indigenous knowledge systems; pre-Columbian landscapes; transformation of productive landscapes in the Andes and Amazonia. Sociology/Anthropology About Jane Lief Abell is a thirdyear doctoral student in Anthropology at the University of Pennsylvania. (Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania) Professor of Folklore and Folklife. . View on the Campus Map » Print; A team of three prominent Philadelphia architects designed the University Museum, all of who taught on the faculty of the University -- Wilson Eyre, Cope and Stewardson and Frank Miles Day and Brother. Monday, November 16, 2015 - 3:30pm to 4:30pm. 538A Clinical Research Building 415 Curie Boulevard Philadelphia, PA 19104-6145 Psychology is the science of mind, brain, and behavior. University of Pennsylvania 3700 Walnut Street Philadelphia, PA 19104 (215) 898-6415 Adjunct Associate Professor in Anthropology and in the Graduate . Professor (North Asian language and linguistics) 511 Museum /6398 . Asif Agha. Morgan Hoke. He is a social anthropologist who studies the role of cities in the history of globalization, with special reference to the Middle East and Central Asia. 255 S. 36th Street University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA 19104-6305. The Population Studies Center (PSC) at the University of Pennsylvania (Penn) has fostered research and training in population since 1962, with support from the NICHD P30 program from 1978-2003 and the P2C Population Dynamics Research Infrastructure Program from 2018 to present (formerly the R24 funding mechanism from 2003-2018). His professional expertise blends both a strong background in research and in academic policy and administration, providing him with a unique perspective on the culture of higher education and meritocracy.
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