Take him with you. You must do this game first. To continue, go to November 20 in the walkthrough. Approach the giant shadow and attack it. If you have Rangda, enable Rush mode and you'll get through it quickly enough. Save in the safe room and consider buying some of the lesser prizes from the dealer. Keep these in mind as they will come in handy later. The following is IGN's walkthrough for the sixth Palace in Persona 5, Niijima's Casino. Use your keycard on the door to the right and return to the long hallway. Defeating it will give you a Member's Card. The whole place is surrounded! You will then be asked to bet. Head in and find a room you want to play in. Send Sae Niijima her calling card and wait for your opportunity to strike at her heart! Sae hasn't accepted you into her cognition of the courthouse, so you can't progress further unless she sees you in court. Once you emerge out of the vent, take a right and follow the path. Heading right leads to a chest, so head left for your objective. The first thing you need to do now is approach the counter in front of you. Head to the Members' Floor and your adventure continues. You have to do this game second as it costs 10,000 coins for an entry fee. You'll quickly see that the bridge is a scale and that it costs a great deal to move it. Futaba will tell you which terminals you need. I'm pretty sure that's what it's there for. When Morgana asks if you noticed anything, tell him yes and then claim that "There is a glass lid." You need 50,000 coins before you can buy the next floors card. Thankfully, Futaba will still back you throughout the fight if needed. Persona 5 Royal is out worldwide! on your map. In the Main Hall, make your way back to the elevator and head up to the Members Floor. It's recommended that you leave Ryuji out because Baal is not someone you want to give a 2nd turn to. Climb up the next glowing podium and take the vent out. They are Red and Green (they do not change). The Shadow takes the form of a Snake King and uses Electric attacks, so keep Mona safe. It will be covered in posters. However, this time around you will get some additional dialogue from Arsene, your very first Persona. This time you want to take a left from the elevator and enter the Battle Arena. Alternatively, they still keep their weakness to Electric so you can exploit that. It is not weak either, so on harder difficulties it can be an instant kill if you're under-prepared. Approach the gigantic slot machine in the middle of the room and examine it. Once you regain control, there is a Safe Room (Members Floor) nearby. If you have Lucky/Miracle Punch, that's going to be your best chance of knocking Norn down. Bette Midler, Sarah Jessica Parker, and Kathy Najimy reunite for the highly anticipated Disney Plus Original, Hocus Pocus 2. And for you Beavis and Butthead fans out there, Beavis and Butthead Do the Universe premieres on Paramount+. Go into the empty room to find another Safe Room (Staff Passageway), and you can find a path using Third Eye (L1) that will bring you back to another area. Futaba has marked the room you want to go to on your map, so head over there to quickly earn a lot of coins. Both use Fire and Electric attacks but are weak to Wind. You will have to fight three rounds, all of them fairly easy. You can play the slot machines if you would like, but you're not going to beat the payout of the large machine. Inside the labyrinth are a lot of Shadows and no visibility, so prepare for a lot of fighting. When the fight is over, you claim the final Will Seed! There are a lot of machines, but don't bother with them. The 2nd Will Seed can be found while you are making your way through the back area of the Slot Room. The instructions she gives you can be a little confusing. There's a chest inside the barred room that you'll pass that can be accessed by crawling through a vent on the wall north of it. From here, take the path forward for a chest and a shortcut back. However, she will then warn you that violence will no longer be tolerated. Continue until you reach a split that leads to a staircase to the east and a path to the west. Take the right fork to continue moving forward. Big slot machine doesn't function anymore. The path to the west will lead to a chest, but you'll want to go up the staircase to progress. We all know how this ends right? You'll need to change that. Futaba will register two cards, though you'll only take one since her first name was too obviously fake. Third Eye is going to be helpful in letting you see enemies and where your next destination is. You get 1000 coins to start but the card you want is 50,000 coins. Follow the second floor path until you reach another staircase. If you fuse a Rangda with elemental skills (or maybe sneak in a Mazionga somehow), you'll breeze through this gauntlet. You can crawl through the grate, but I'd highly recommend unlocking the door behind you first. Do not attack her during the spinning of the table or she'll take away whatever the "bet" is noted as. Approach it (but be mindful of the enemies in front!) Look for a grey door on the right side of the balcony. You have to fight this enemy, so prepare first and then fight. Go through the second door on your right for a chest. The path closest to where you land will simply lead to a treasure chest. The door to the left is the exit but the door to the north will take you down two paths, one that goes to treasure and one that opens the locked door near the entrance from before. Ignore the barred door for now and take two right turns. Simply guard until you are prompted to do otherwise. It is easy to play, however the room is dark and enemies are inside. Somehow, someone brought an entire police force into the Metaverse to arrest the Phantom Thieves! Your next destination is the High Limit Floor! Doing so will allow you to hijack that system so that one of the rooms always plays into your favour. Return to the stairs and follow the left path instead. Take the left path until you reach a door. Once out of the vent, jump down and take the door on your left. It uses physical attacks and Electric attacks, so if you're using Rangda, you'll need to switch about every other turn. Approach the game master for the house of darkness and battle him. He is strong, and his Personas abilities are very helpful. The rules are fairly simple, so start betting. Start by heading around to the east and following the path along. Once you have fast traveled, go up the stairs and onto the balcony that held the chest from earlier. A picaresque coming-of-age story, Persona 5 will bring a thrilling, new twist to the RPG genre! Before going to gamble your new coins away, take the first right from the elevator to find the Members Floor Safe Room. The House of Darkness now shows up on the map if you would like to train against the high level enemies there. There's no other way Just like the beginning of the game, you need to race through the casino to make your escape, but you already know the outcome of your attempts. Head through the door at the end of the hallway and you'll enter a hidden part of the dice game area. Futaba will examine it and tell you that you need to find two new terminals. Even when guarding, it's a powerful enough attack to take all the health of weaker teammates. The path straight/to the left will lead you to the exit while the path to the right will lead you to treasure. You can go to the stores on both the Member's and High Limit Floors and purchase all of the rare items they have including a Soma. But go back for now. Head back to the Main Floor elevator and use the Member Card to go up. To start the fight, attack Sae with whatever you want. OH Really? To leave, there is a grate on the right section near the Will Seed door that leads to a grate you can crawl out of. Once you reach the door, go through it and continue along the path. Saes palace is very straightforward. Head down the stairs and follow the right path for a treasure chest. And finally, Crunchyroll has plenty to satisfy your anime needs with Rent-A-Girlfriend season 2, Double-Zeta Gundam, and season 2 of The Devil is a Part-Timer. Morgana will agree and allow you to send a party member to snipe the glass. The path near the Safe Room gets you around it. Always pick "Between 11 and 18," so that you can get lucky with triple sixes. There is an enemy missing in your list, the Kushinada, weak to ice and nuke, repels bless, no resists or drains. If it Charges, prepare for Megaton Raid, a severe Physical skill by either equipping Rangda (or something like it) or blocking the turn after it charges as it will wait for one extra turn. This will be done automatically during the story. Follow the path and head down the stairs. Once Joker gets caught, go grab some popcorn or something and enjoy the next hour and a half or so of dialogue and cutscenes. Once again, guard until you're asked to bet. You are greeted by a Shadow, who attempts to kill you. Exit this small room through the door across from you. Do this four times and you will gain some coins. To head up to higher floors, you need a higher level card. The gang will split up now. You'll need to expose that. Once again, do not attack her when the table is spinning unless you are willing to lose all but one of your health. Once you arrive, the casino worker will ask if you have a reservation. Return to the previous room and go through the right door. Rangda can be found in the House of Darkness. It's really easy to miss this Will Seed otherwise. At the start, it will be your health. Take the stairs up to the east and you'll be able to get back into the Main Hall by following the path. Follow the path and you will reach an area where you are able to grapple your way to another ledge. You will have to climb up a shelf to reach it. While the roulette wheel is spinning, do not attack Sae. Please be courteous and mark any and all spoilers. Take a left at the fork for a chest. They've very worthwhile and you'll earn more than enough coins in the upcoming section to buy the High Limit Floor card. He will hit you with Megaton Raid, but before that he will Charge and use Tarukaja on himself. You will automatically go to the elevator next so that you can go up to the High Limit Floor. Battle her like normal, using buffs and your party members most powerful skills. Take a left for the house of darkness goal area safe room. Just heal and attack. I'll go try it out. Futaba will approach the control panel and register you a new card. Coincidentally, it will put you right in front of the door you need to get to. Blood, Drug Reference, Partial Nudity, Sexual Themes, Strong Language, Violence, Online Interactions Not Rated by the ESRB. Instead, use Guard to pass your turn. You won't have enough coins for the Battle Arena, so head to the House of Darkness first. Climb them. You cannot complete this Palace in one day as you have to leave once due to story reasons. Subreddit Community for Persona 5 and other P5/Persona products! This time when roulette time comes, make another bet and watch Akechi snipe the glass. The goal here is simply to be seen by Prosecutor Niijima. Head through the door at the end of the hall and you'll see a safe room and the Shadow. You will finally be at the end. Go through the door and climb to your left to reach some treasure . Once through, follow the path and look left for some machinery to climb over. The crates you can climb are simply a slightly alternate route to the same door. Head out of the room and south to the barred doors that you can now open. Use the card to open up the card barrier and then head through the right door. The treasure will be gone, so go up the stairs and enter the elevator. We'll also discuss Sony news, including Forspoken's Delay and God of War Ragnarok's release date. After a brief cutscene, deposit your coins to lower the bridge. At the top, examine the big doors. It is nearly impossible to see anything normally. Switch to Rangda/Girimehkala and he will most likely kill himself with his own attack. Akechi will somehow get a bunch of extra coins for your team. Cross the bridge of scales and you'll find out where Sae's treasure is and have your Infiltration Route secured! If you just beat the Shadow, head through the door behind where it was and then through the other door in that room. Take the left door to win the maze. Once her health reaches a dangerously low level, she will lower her defense and raise her attack. I got the wings of rebellion that broke my chains of captivity. That means you will have to leave the Palace to have the real Sae recognize you in court. All that's left is the calling card. Head back up to the High Limit Floor when you're ready. Before that, Akechi will prepare something with Ryuji and it will help you considerably. If you don't want to use either of them, get Personas that can at least resist Physical and have elemental skills. Once you are fully prepared. At the top of the ledge is the Will Seed Door. It is also likelier to have elemental Skills to hurt some of your enemies. Eventually, you'll get into a more open area and there will be lost people in it. That's enough for the path to open. It can also use Concentrate to make its next skill more powerful. Since it's no longer there, you'll need to go up the stairs in the treasure room and up the lift to face off against Shadow Sae. With the addition of Jokers new grappling hook, some places may require you to use his new tool instead of our directions below. Once you've got your 50,000 coins, head back to the dealer in the lobby to buy the High Limit Card. Your next target is the Slot Room, so head there. Head up the stairs from the Safe Room and enter the door. With the Keycard, you are now able to get the 1st Will Seed. Once Futaba is done fiddling with both terminals, return to the gigantic machine. In order to see properly, use Third Eye. If Jokers hand glows blue, use the grapple as your means forward. Follow his advice and climb the stairs behind the counter. The Shadow becomes two Queen Mabs. You will be in a small room. Please also read our Privacy Notice and Terms of Use, which became effective December 20, 2019. ), continue to select "Between 11 and 18" until the game ends. Once you're through the grate, you're at the final Will Seed Door. Easy. However, this time is a bit special. At the end of the path you will reach a room back to the Dice Game Area. Once in the room that is lit, head through the door on the west wall. It will give you the coins you need, but it is likely to be rigged. When you're ready, fight the Shadow to get your prize. Head out of the room via the air duct that Ryuji pointed out and then through the door in that room. Take the chest first and then exit. Thankfully, Baal is weak to Nuclear (for this fight), which allows you to exploit that weakness for an All-Out Attack. Alternatively, hit Thor with your best attacks. You will get 1,000 playing chips and a map of the area from the dealer. Dont attack her during this period. The good news is, they only use Physical attacks unlike their regular counterparts. It's guarded of course. Right from the start, they'll cheat. For reference, the terminals are near the entrance (Red): And back in the staff passageway (Green): This is opposite the path to the 2nd Will Seed if you can't find it. Walk forward from the chest and go through the double doors. To nobody's surprise, you will win the coins you need. Head on through into the next area. It has no weaknesses, so throw your best attacks at it. Netflix has quite a few heavy-hitters with Stranger Things 4 Volume 2 and a live-action Resident Evil series. Exit into the game area through the shortcut you recently created. It absorbs Wind so keep Morgana away. It looks easy and will provide you with the coins you need, however the Protagonist has to go in by himself. Then head along the hallway (there's only one path), stopping at a Safe Room if needed.
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