arkansas wma duck hunting

Major waterfowl rest areas in the WMA give ducks respite from the heavy hunting on the WMA and in the surrounding Grand Prairie. The St. Francis 544 is a highly managed and well-maintained Arkansas Trophy Deer and Duck Hunting combo tract located in the St. Francis River bottoms of the Mississippi Delta. Oct 11, 2020. On property owned, leased or cooperatively managed by the AGFC, you may not: damage AGFC buildings, structures, signs or property Many ducks are concentrated at Lake Millwood. Caddo Lake Wildlife Management Area. The property borders the Petit Jean River WMA (Wildlife Management Area), which consists of 15,502 acres of public hunting land. Ducks are shown in public duck hunting areas in eastern Arkansas. The great state of Arkansas is known as a 'Natural State,' meaning that there isn't any hunting in the spring time due to the high breeding numbers. Arkansas is also famed for small game hunting, and duck hunting along the famous Mississippi Flyway in the Arkansas Delta is prime waterfowl enthusiasts! Big Lake, located in northeast Arkansas, is 12,320 acres and has walk-in access at Simmons Bridge and some at Bo Doc Landing. It is pronounced "Biomeeta", but locally it is known as "The Scatters," which is short for Wabbaseka Scatters. 2021-22 Habitat Status on Selected Waterfowl Hunting Areas. Additionally, the 215ac Brushy Creek Wildlife Management Area borders it on the SW corner of the property. Duck season restarts for waterfowl hunters on Saturday, Dec. 11, and those hunters maybe facing worse conditions than when the 60-day season officially opened Nov. 20. Speaking of all-day hunting: Arkansas's regular waterfowl season ends Monday, Jan. 31, at sunset. 8 miles north of Carbon City, AR (Logan County) Acres Impacted: 53 acres. Located near the towns of Cleveland, Mannford, and Oilton, Keystone WMA is comprised of the Arkansas and Cimarron rivers and adjacent flood plains and bottom lands. Waterfowl. River water is. Bois D'Arc WMA is located in southwest Arkansas, in Hempstead County and offers 185 acres of Bottomland hardwoods with an engineered green-tree reservoir for waterfowl. It spreads across 34,000 acres near the mallard paradise town of Stuttgart. I cannot find much info on the duck hunting online, which has me worried. Rates - $1,050 - $1,625. Thankfully, the state is loaded with abundant public opportunities and several have walk-in access. Arkansas Hunting. Hunters should review specific WMA regulations for the area they plan to hunt. I dont have a boat so Im limited to wading in to spots. . Keystone WMA covers 22,393 acres of Creek, Osage, and Pawnee Counties in north central Oklahoma. There was substantial flooding that took place during the month of June that flooded out . AR WMAs. With the surrounding farm land and buck management program there are some bruisers calling this WMA home. The flooded timber of the Bayou Meto Wildlife Management Area, about 15 miles southwest of Stuttgart, is considered the crown jewel of public lands for waterfowl hunting. The U.S. The Sunken Lands, created from the New Madrid Earthquakes of 1811-12, became nationally famous as a hunting and fishing area about 100 years ago. Penn Bay borders Black Swamp WMA on the southern border, and the Cache NWR on the north, east, and west borders. The majority of the area was purchased to preserve bottomland habitat and provide top-quality waterfowl hunting. The northern third of the area supports timber types such as oak, elm and hackberry. For Arkansas hunting seasons, regulations, licenses, permits and guides, visit the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission. Arkansas offers various hunting opportunities for the majority of game species. On the other hand, deer hunting there was closed. "It's doing nothing but getting drier on the landscape," Luke Naylor, the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission waterfowl program coordinator, said Wednesday. I am looking into it for camping/hunting trip this duck season. On Maumelle River WMA all boating activities and trespassing is prohibited in the Restricted Area Zone 1 on the east end of Lake Maumelle as marked by buoy line. Waterfowl Hunting Regulations. Waterfowl. What does this really mean? Some of the Cypress trees may have sprouted 500 years before Columbus discovered America. Dexter Road, Lot #WP001 Bald Knob, AR 72010 White County. Flying Feathers Guide Service and Mike Bogy is a locally respected guide service for Arkansas duck hunts.We hunt exclusively on private duck hunting land, located in the heart of Grand Prairie near Stuttgart, the mecca for any hunter. Has five beds, an eat-in kitchen, bath with shower, a billiards room and satellite TV. The White River at Augusta was over 28 feet on Tuesday, meaning there is plenty of duck hunting water in much of Henry Gray Hurricane Lake WMA. Arkansas Wildlife Waterfowl Report. Hunters are reminded that all-day waterfowl hunting on AGFC-owned wildlife management areas is allowed on the final day of the season. Big Kansas Outdoors is one of the leading Kansas Duck Hunting Guides, which offers hunting trips in both central and southeastern Kansas. View the detailed information here . by Bryan Hendricks, Frankie Frisco | Today at 2:30 a.m. Ducks Unlimited will restore the property to bottomland hardwood forest and seasonally-flooded wetlands. $110,000 40 Acres +/-. There's no more beautiful place to hunt ducks in Arkansas. We are 2 miles from White River National Wildlife Refuge and 8 miles from Trusten Holden WMA. Guadalupe Delta Wildlife Management Area. The White River at Augusta was over 28 feet on Tuesday, meaning there is plenty of duck hunting water in much of Henry Gray Hurricane Lake WMA. Belle Gulley is located in southeast Arkansas between the White, Arkansas, and Mississippi Rivers. With more than 100 wildlife management areas spanning thousands of acres, the AGFC offers nearly every Arkansan ample opportunity to enjoy the outdoors close to home. Contact Agent. Gauge got his duck on the morning of 11/16/2021. Recent rainfall events have greatly. This project enhanced the Wrape Plantation rest area as well as the adjacent Buckingham Flats hunting area. This impacts hunting on Arkansas Game and Fish controlled public lands. They work hard at conserving the land and the animals so that there are harvest numbers for a later date as well and the population is evenly maintained. Frog Bayou WMA - Acquisition & Restoration Project. Big Lake WMA, Arkansas. Rustic Duck Hunting Cabin for Rent: Borders the David Donaldson WMA in northeast Arkansas and is on Black River. Im not asking for anyones spots, just trying to get an idea of which WMAs have the best access for walk-in . Government Cypress's . Bannister Wildlife Management Area. . Stuttgart Arkansas' Bayou Meto WMA and surrounding area is also unparalleled for duck hunting along the famous Mississippi Flyway! Tawakoni Wildlife Management Area. As far as the original question, I don't see any reason you can't be in a WMA during the split, as long as you aren't actually duck hunting. In fact, by 1956, Arkansas had 1,820,921 acres in private hunting areas that were not available to the general public. Location: Approx. This area (Arkansas River Valley) is known for having the highest duck harvest per square . 8 Year old Gauge Harris killed his first ever duck while duck hunting at Dave Donaldson Black River WMA. Duck Ridge is also home to 150+ class deer as roughly ½ the property is wooded. The daily bag limit is six ducks per day (with some additional rules based on the type of fowl). FOUKE - Sulphur River Wildlife Management Area has secrets. There is also a population of furbearers such as beaver, muskrat, mink, and raccoon. AGFC seeking ways to improve WMA duck hunting Story by Bryan Hendricks Sunday, March 20, 2016 Last duck season in our two most popular wildlife management areas was fun, but the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission wants to make it better. If you could post your zone & WMA name. Big Lake WMA, Arkansas. Our expert guides offer duck hunting on privately owned timberland and in flooded fields. Sep 3, 2012. Non-Resident 5-Day WMA Waterfowl Permit (NW5) In addition to a valid Arkansas hunting license, non-residents must purchase a permit to hunt waterfowl on certain wildlife management areas during regular duck season. Popular duck hunting destinations such as Bayou Meto WMA and neighboring Cut-Off Creek are mostly dry. Online. The diversity of duck hunting includes flooded green timber hunting, slough hunting, and wide This land of 8,200-acre WMA is consisting of Corps of Engineers property in Logan county. Strung over about 30 miles along the St. Francis River Floodway, waterfowl hunting accounts for the majority of the area's recreational use. There's plenty of parking and a boat dock. The area has since become known nationwide for duck hunting, and 13,000 acres are flooded each fall to attract waterfowl. 2021-22 Migratory Bird Season Dates Summary. This 12,320-acre WMA is the only sizable public hunting area in extreme northeastern Arkansas. At 9.9 deer harvested per square mile, Trusten Holder is 4.5 times more productive than the average 2.2 deer bagged per square mile on public hunting lands within the state. Duck season is open until Friday, closing. Go to General WMA Regulations for information that applies to all WMAs. Heck, I'd go as far as saying you could be in there with decoys and calls , as long as you didn't have a gun, bow, or other device that could be used to take game. LITTLE ROCK - Arkansas duck hunters will begin the 2021-22 season Saturday with hopes for a better overall season than last year when the region saw a noticeable drop in the annual average number of ducks that typically pass through the state. Special Waterfowl Permit Hunts. Fish and Wildlife Service has released a final hunting and fishing package for Wapanocca NWR in Arkansas. Rich Evans/Grandview Prairie WMA and Conservation Education Center Grandview Prairie was the first major AGFC acquisition after Arkansas voters in November 1996 approved Amendment 75, the conservation sales tax. Bayou Meto is the crown jewel of public lands for waterfowl hunting. Arkansas Waterfowl Stamp... DS $ 7.00 June 30 AG&F Leased Lands Permit (Hunting, Trapping and Camping) Casey Jones WMA... LCJ $ 20.00 ** Big Timber WMA... LBT $ 20.00 ** Cherokee WMA... LCH $ 20.00 ** Showing 1 to 131 of 131 entries Government Cypress's . Howard Miller WMA - Howard Miller WMA was planted this year with a combination of corn and soybeans. A limit of six 5-day permits per waterfowl season per person may be purchased. The WMA is also considered an important waterfowl wintering area and supports a diverse native wildlife Black River represents a significant portion of the remaining bottomland hardwood habitat in eastern Arkansas. Southwest Arkansas WMAs are dry. They offer Duck hunting, Canada Goose, and Light goose 3-day hunting packages. Northeast Arkansas and . Be careful, though. Remember that to participate or land a permit for either the AGFC's managed waterfowl areas that offer permit hunting or to enter the drawing for an Arkansas WRICE program field for Saturday and Sunday, Jan. 1-2, you'll need to apply this week between Thursday at 3 p.m. and Sunday at midnight. The Black River WMA was originally named after the Black River that flows through the area. George H. Dunklin Bayou Meto WMA in southeastern Arkansas continues to approach good duck hunting conditions in terms of water. The eastern side of the state has herds of deer, plentiful squirrels, turkey, hogs and other prized game. Arkansas waterfowl report. Penn Bay borders Black Swamp WMA on the southern border, and the Cache NWR on the north, east, and west borders. To that end, the commission is considering new regulations, including some that are surprisingly progressive. Thankfully, the state is loaded with abundant public opportunities and several have walk-in access. Duck, squirrel, deer, rabbit, and turkey hunting are popular along its course, and both the Donaldson and Shirey Bay WMAs offer fine green tree reservoir (woodland duck pond) habitat. 1-5 guests 4 hours. The diversity of duck hunting includes flooded green timber hunting, slough hunting, and wide New for this Hunting Season 2021-2022 Waterfowl Surveys and Reports. The Unrestricted Area Zone 2 covering the central and western portions of Lake Maumelle is open to boating and fishing during the hours of 4 a.m. until 8 p.m., November1 - March 31 and . Where is best duck hunting in Texas? You can check out a full list of regulations at the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission Website. Every single hunt is fully guided and our professionals provide . This all-day hunt includes WMAs that are designated open only on Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday. Arkansas is world famous for duck hunting, but our season takes place in two distinctly different tiers. Here's a look at 10 of the best WMAs to visit during waterfowl season in Texas. Save Share. That particular morning we headed to the Dave Donaldson/Black River Wildlife Management Area (WMA) near Pocahontas. $30.50. Hunters likely will pick up where they left off at the end of the first segment, awaiting a migration of ducks and the typical late fall rains that flood rain-dependent hunting areas. Wattensaw consists of approximately 19, 184 acres made up of 270 acres of beaver ponds, 2024 acres of old . In the early part of the season, mallards, pintails and other species descend on the rice. DU will transfer the property to AGFC who will manage the new WMA for waterfowl and other wetland . Filed Under: Arkansas , Trophy Room Tagged With: ARKANSAS DUCK HUNTING , BLACK RIVER DUCK HUNTING , DAVE DONALDSON BLACK RIVER WMA , DAVE DONALDSON WMA , DUCK HUNTING IN ARKANSAS This tract provides a great opportunity for hunters to hunt Deer, Quail, Rabbits, Squirrels, Waterfowl, Turkey, and many other species.… Acres 8,200 County Logan Near Caulksville, arkansas Game Whitetail Deer, Turkey, Quail, Duck, Exotics Big Kansas Outdoors - Kansas Duck Hunting Guides. This is the true duck country where hundreds of thousands of waterfowl winter for the season. One of the largest public areas in the state, in wet years this WMA provides as much as 18,000 acres of waterfowl hunting in a classic Arkansas flooded timber setting. This map source includes coverage for all 914 wmas in Arkansas and is based on the official boundaries published by the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission. Duck season restarts Saturday, but conditions are worse than when the 60-day season officially opened Nov. 20. Any of you baws duck hunt the Attakapas Island WMA before? Arkansas Duck Hunts - Stuttgart Duck Hunting Guide. Hunting Opportunities That particular morning we headed to the Dave Donaldson/Black River Wildlife Management Area (WMA) near Pocahontas. Northeast Arkansas and. Over 14 miles of levees were constructed and 45 water control structures were installed to create 15 wetland impoundments, including Remmel Marsh, totaling 1,027 acres of . Northeast Arkansas and eastern Arkansas have seen a good number of ducks, according to some private land hunters. Arkansas is known far and wide for its incredible public green timber duck hunting, but Raft Creek Bottoms Wildlife Management Area offers duck hunters a dif. The second is its duck hunting. George H. Dunklin Bayou Meto WMA in southeastern Arkansas continues to approach good duck hunting conditions in terms of water. The opening days of waterfowl season can be very crowded at Bayou Meto, with 1,500 to 2,000 hunters using the area each day. LITTLE ROCK - The regular duck season resumes Friday, Dec. 11, after a 10-day break. The New Year's Day rainfall and other rain events of the past week brought many of Arkansas's public waterfowl hunting areas up to levels needed to draw ducks. Each WMA is considered a separate zone with regard to wildlife regulations. Price / Acre $2,750. The opening days of waterfowl season can get crowded at Bayou Meto, even with its 33,832 acres. Get Directions. Like it has for many of the previous seasons, the primitive weapons only area of Trusten Holder reigns supreme as Arkansas's most productive public land for deer hunting. The ducks — mostly mallards and wood ducks — come here by the thousands when water levels are sufficient, following the Cache River, which. Purpose: Acquisition of 790 acres of agricultural land adjacent to the Arkansas River. (Spanish version) Waterfowl Seasons and Bag Limits. Can be rented for the entire season or just . Gus Engeling Wildlife Management Area. This page is for all the Arkansas Hunters that hunt public land "Wild Life Management area" to post up their WMA kills, hunting spots, hunting Tips etc. Every hunter should hunt Arkansas' green timber at least once. Planning on making a few trips to east AR for the first time this season, and I was wondering what WMAs have decent walk-in access. The duck possession limit is 18 ducks. Tichnor, Arkansas Morning Arkansas Guided Duck Hunt. The project is within the Lake Dardanelle Wildlife Management Area and is managed by the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission to maintain high quality wetland habitat for waterfowl, while providing public hunting opportunities. Download PDF. The commission will soon debate ideas to more equitably distribute duck hunting opportunities at our state's greentree reservoirs. Be careful, though. The Ed Gordon Point Remove Wildlife Management Area, located near Morrilton, Arkansas, was recently expanded through a significant wetland restoration and enhancement effort. Here's part of what was submitted: "In the early years of duck hunting in Arkansas, private duck hunting clubs were the center of the action and one of the most prevalent ways to hunt. A mecca for duck hunting. Duck Hunting Cabin Dave Donaldson WMA Northeast Arkansas. What you'll do. One of the largest public areas in the state, in wet years this WMA provides as much as 18,000 acres of waterfowl hunting in a classic Arkansas flooded timber setting. It was among the first Arkansas management areas to adopt the 3 point rule in 1982 and more recently implementing the 4 point rule. Anecodatal reports from eastern and southeast Arkansas during last Saturday's youth, […] Arkansas Duck Hunting. Hunting has been good in George H. Dunklin Jr. Bayou Meto WMA, thanks to recent rainfall lifting the water levels throughout the area to optimal duck hunting conditions. Duck hunting season is from Nov 20-Jan 31. Anyone have any suggestions on good WMA's to duck hunt near or within and hour drive of cabot? The WMA offers excellent duck, deer, and turkey hunting, and there is awesome crappie and bass fishing on the Petit Jean River. The Cache River NWR is known by duck hunters across the US for its waterfowl hunting, particularly for mallards. Thousands of ducks and geese migrate to this area annually to feed in the abundant grain fields and rest on Oxbow Lakes. One is it is a throwback to the Arkansas that early explorers and settlers found. We would go scouting and pick spots before showing up to hunt, but wanted to check in here to see if it was even worth the drive. Big Lake, located in northeast Arkansas, is 12,320 acres and has walk-in access at Simmons Bridge and some at Bo Doc Landing. This leaves just the 5-day permits as an option for non-resident duck hunters. Arkansas Game and Fish Commission biologists report that duck numbers . January 28, 2021 at 2:15 a.m. The property is located just ten minutes South of I-40 close to Widener, AR, 40 miles West of Memphis, TN and 100 miles. On the other hand, deer hunting there was closed. Nearby towns include Grubbs, Cash, Otwell, Amagon, Harrisburg, Weiner, and Newport, Arkansas. "Conditions may be declining, and certainly not getting better in a lot . In 1948, to accommodate a desire by state residents for more public hunting and fishing land, the AGFC began acquiring land for the establishment of Bayou Meto WMA, which covers 33,832 acres in Arkansas and Jefferson counties. Weekend rain added water to hunting areas this week, including Bayou Meto Wildlife Management Area. With this Commission rules change, the annual Non-Resident Waterfowl WMA permit has been eliminated. Bayou Meto is the oldest and most well known Wildlife Management Area in Arkansas. The WMA is not accessible by motorized vehicles and must be entered on foot, so pressure is light on the deer thereby . Our expert guides offer duck hunting on privately owned timberland and in flooded fields. Add. Greentree Reservoir Management. Dog on a Duck Hunt For Arkansas hunting seasons, regulations, licenses, permits and guides, visit the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission. Waterfowl Rest Area Dagmar WMA is a treasure containing significant natural communities, among them, old growth Tupelo-Cypress swamps. Every hunter should hunt Arkansas' green timber at least once. Deer Hunting at Duck Ridge Arkansas. Greenheads shining in the sunlight as they flutter down between the oak trees in the flooded bottoms of the White River, Cache River, Bayou DeView and their tributaries during November, December and January is a cherished . Arkansas waterfowl report December 9, 2021 at 2:29 a.m. Waterfowl habitat status on selected WMAs is updated annually prior to the regular duck season. Again, this is on Arkansas WMA lands only. from $300. Story by Bryan Hendricks Sunday, May 15, 2016 Chronic wasting disease has overshadowed hunting news this spring, but the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission has some contentious duck hunting issues to resolve this summer. Hunting has been good in George H. Dunklin Jr. Bayou Meto WMA, thanks to recent rainfall lifting the water levels throughout the area to optimal duck hunting conditions. Location - Hutchinson, KS. Hunters should also check WMA road closures before heading out to hunt, fish or camp on specific WMAs by calling 800-440-1477. The area contains a mixture of typical bottomland forest, such as tupelo, willow, buttonbush and cypress. James Daughtrey Wildlife Management Area. Duck numbers are picking up some in the Arkansas River Valley and around Ed Gordon Point Remove WMA with it being nearly or completed covered in ample water. Our leases are located in the prime areas of the famous Cache River, Bayou Deview River, WMA, the famous Claypool Reservoir, and the Llanguille River. Ducks Unlimited assisted with this project, and much of this reservoir is accessible only by boat.

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arkansas wma duck hunting