It has a visually interesting stem, and can grow rather large, given proper care. This tropical plant is originally from the Asian tropics, where its roots are used in various types of dishes. Alocasia Care Guide Sunlight: Alocasia are understory rainforest plants which means they thrive in shady conditions. Location location location! Use our water calculator to personalize watering recommendations to your environment or download Greg for more advanced recommendations for all of your plants. Alocasia Stingray can be grown outdoors anywhere that has some humidity, but its best to protect it from freezing temps. Lower humidity levels may result in crisping or uneven yellowing of leaf edges. Alocasia Stingray will appreciate higher levels of humidity provided by misting or a humidifier. For more information on how to address this issue, scroll down to 'Common Issues'. It has an upright clumping form with a fast growth rate and typically grows 1 to 2 m tall. Humidity is an important part of Alocasia Stingrays care. We recommend fertilizing this plant every month during spring and summer with a diluted general houseplant fertilizer. Alocasia Stingray Care Tips! As I’ve mentioned I don’t run a humidifier, but my living room tends to stick at the 60% humidity level, and my Alocasia seem fine. Alocasia Black Velvet is a gorgeous plant with its beautiful … Mature leaves get large, with a narrow tip at the end that look like real aquatic stingrays! Water: let the plant dry out between waterings. Your Alocasia prefers a humid environment so mist often. The plants for sale are happily growing in in 4”pots. They are ground hardy here in Florida, but I try to keep them dry during the cold months to prevent rotting of the corm. This plant requires a high humidity environment (75% >) to thrive. Care: Humidity - 50-80% Water - When dry to the touch Light - Medium to bright indirect These plants are in 6” pots and are on the shorter side. Alocasia Stingray is a tropical plant that loves warm and humid environments although it can survive in slightly different conditions. Like a lot of Alocasia, this plant originates from the humid forests across Asia and usually … Humidity . Alocasia Stingray has large, uniquely shaped leaves that resemble the wings and tail of its namesake. Alocasia Care Tips Alocasia Frydek Alocasia Essential Care Position indoors in bright indirect light. As the name suggests it has stingray shaped leaves and dappled stems making this a unique and distinctive indoor houseplant. Humidity - . ORIGINS. (plant shown is just an example of what's in stock) Beware the burn! The alocasia macrorrhiza is native to warm temperature regions. Frank will drop his leaves with any sign of stress so it’s important to keep him away from any windows, drafts or radiators. The Alocasia Stingray grows best with high humidity and bright, indirect light. The Alocasia Stingray is so named because of it’s adorable, stingray-shaped leaves! This exciting tropical plant has pointy leaves. Rinse the leaves and the stems with soapy water, and follow this by wiping the plant with Neem oil. Big stingray shaped leaves and stripy stalks, it's real funky. Placing the houseplant in an area with high humidity is ideal. Even my leaf veins stand out, which are dark coloured. The Story of ~ Alocasia Stingray. They need plenty of humidity in the air as well. If the surrounding saturation is too low or the heat too high, its leaf-tips may start to brown over and … Humidity. Alocasia like to have humidity levels of at least 60%, but would prefer 70% in a perfect world. TEMPERATURE The whiptail inclusions of its concave curving edges earns the Stingray its name, resembling t 2. Alocasia macrorrhiza Stingray Care & Info Guide Horty Hints Turn up the heat! Please review the product photo. Be careful not to over mist, this may cause alocasia stingray brown spots. Every 2 week during spring and summer and every 8 weeks in winter Trending Posts Alocasia humidity. 9 days. These plants do grow quite large, given their conditions are met. Product Details. Appropriately named, Alocasia Stingray produces oddly shaped leaves thet resemble floating stingrays. Beware the burn! There are 79 species native to tropical and subtropical Asia to Eastern Australia. The Story of ~ Alocasia Stingray. If you won't provide her enough humidity, she might have problems unfurling her leaves. To increase humidity use a humidifier or place a pebble tray underneath Frank’s pot to help raise humidity levels. (plant shown is just an example of what's in stock) It's slower growing so perfect for your work-from-home desk. Alocasia comes from the Greek 'a' meaning without and 'Colocasia' the name of a closely allied genus, from which it was separated.. Characteristics Foliage. Kitchens and bathrooms are the ideal spot for Alocasias as they will love the raised humidity levels. Alocasia Stingray Alocasia comes from the family Araceae. FAQs. Alocasia Stingray Care Tips! Alocasia comes from the Greek 'a' meaning without and 'Colocasia' the name of a closely allied genus, from which it was separated.. Characteristics Foliage. How To Propagate Alocasia Stingray An alocasia stingray is best separated at the roots when the plant has started to divide. A. cv. Avoid cold draughts. As such, for this fast growing plant to sustain is growth, keep the temperature between 65 to 80 degrees. Alocasia stingray needs bright filtered light for good growth and vibrant leaves. name: alocasia stingray (elephant ear)light: medium water: weeklyother: drainage, humidity, toxic to pets, mature size 3+ feet, hybrid plastic pot is included. Grow in lightweight soil that drains well and water when the top of the soil begins to dry. Thankfully, drooping leaves can easily be fixed and prevented. Find out how you can increase humidity here. Care Light Water Soil Temp. Fertilizer. They like to stay consistently moist and love humidity. For Local Pickup Orders: You’re currently shopping our Nazareth, PA location. This babe loves humidity and will produce many leaves if you up the humidity. When taking care of Alocasia plants, keep in mind that they don’t just like moist soil. Available in 6″ pots. With species this spectacular, it’s definitely a case of ‘the more, the merrier’! Alocasia plants love humid spaces. Alocasia macrorrhiza Stingray (Elephant Ear) is an evergreen, ornamental indoor house plant. Maintain moderate humidity, place in a bright location with indoor temperatures between 17°C and 24°C and fertilize every two to four weeks during the growing … The easiest way to do it is by placing your Alocasia on a tray with pebbles and water. Alocasia Red Secret. Do not situate an Alocasia in dark locations with much water, as root rot and leaf spot disease will quickly arise. The distinctive, dappled coloring of the stem adds further interest. Your Alocasia prefers a humid environment so mist often. Cut back on water in the winter. How do you grow alocasia Stingray? Alocasia Stingray Alocasia comes from the family Araceae. To increase humidity use a humidifier or place a pebble tray underneath Frank’s pot to help raise humidity levels. It needs watering once or twice a week according to the temperature and humidity. You still water regularly, but give them less water each time. Care Light Water Soil Temp. Similar striped petioles to an Alocasia zebrina.. You can boost humidity in your home in various ways: ... Alocasia Stingray. Final Thoughts. Make sure that no roots touch the water. Your Alocasia enjoys the warmth, preferably between 65–85 degrees, so maintain indoor temperatures above 60 degrees. Yes, if digested by people or pets, the plant is toxic. Care Light Water Soil Temp. Alocasia is a sub-tropical and tropical plant. If the humidity is too low, the plant will dry out, and discolor areas will appear on the leaves. Water: Medium. Alocasia In Nature. Provide high humidity, ample water, and fertilizer every 2 to 3 weeks during the growing season. Make sure that no roots touch the water. Will survive but not grow as quickly in lower light levels. HUMIDITY The Alocasia stingray prefers slightly higher humidity levels than what a usual household can provide and he will struggle in very dry spaces. This plant needs at least 50% room humidity to just unfurl the leaves. Alocasia Macrorrhiza 'Stingray' originates from the tropics of South East Asia and loves humidity. Search for: The best way to take care of your Alocasia stingray is by giving him consistently moist soil, high levels of humidity and warm indoor temperatures. Do not situate an Alocasia in dark locations with much water, as root rot and leaf spot disease will quickly arise. As I’ve mentioned I don’t run a humidifier, but my living room tends to stick at the 60% humidity level, and my Alocasia seem fine. The foliage points upwards and outwards flaunting its ribbed and leathery emerald green allure. Available in 6″ pots. Being a tropical plant, alocasia prefer to live in higher temperatures ranging from 60 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. This Alocasia needs high humidity to flourish as well as bright indirect light so make sure that this over-the-top Indoor plant gets what it needs! ORIGINS. Indoors, grow in filtered light. Their ideal temperature range is 65°F to 80°F (18°C – 27°C) for fast, vibrant growth. Product Details. They are ground hardy here in Florida, but I try to keep them dry during the cold months to prevent rotting of the corm. Fortunately, there are numerous ways you can establish the Calidora plant’s desired moisture levels. The Alocasia Stingray does best when exposed to bright but indirect light. I am really an eye-catcher with my mysterious, shiny leaves that can vary from copper coloured to dark red. This plant needs high amounts of humidity, moist soil, some amounts of direct light or indirect light and the occasional fertilizer to thrive well as a houseplant part of an indoor garden. The Alocasia stingray owes its name to the shape of its leaves. In fact, brown tips and along veins are a … Mature plants reach the heights of 5-6', with leaves spanning 10-20". Although Alocasia love moist soil and humid conditions, they respond well to a slight reduction of water in winter. Indoors, grow in filtered light. With a large leaf with and unique shape that has a long upturned tail that reminds us of a stingray. Alocasias like high humidity but they do NOT like wet soil. Alocasia plants such as Alocasia reginula, Alocasia macrorrhiza ‘Stingray,’ and Alocasia baginda ‘Silver Dragon’ thrive in warm rooms. In layman’s terms, it’s built to thrive in warm, humid conditions. 60-70% humidity is ideal, they really do like high levels. TEMPERATURE Alocasia macrorrhiza Stingray (Elephant Ear) is an evergreen, ornamental indoor house plant. description Alocasia Stingray has unique leaves that resemble a stingray! Name. The soil must retain moisture and can be rich in nutrients. Alocasia humidity. They also prefer to be in areas with high humidity. Provide high humidity, ample water, and fertilizer every 2 to 3 weeks during the growing season. Care for Alocasia Real Easy. This is one reason the plants have earned their reputation as divas, as they don’t do well in dry environments. I owe this name to my striking, upright, wing-like leaves that end in a pointed tail that matches the tail of a stingray. This is one of the reasons that this species is often labeled as a diva, since they really won’t thrive very well in … Your Alocasia enjoys the warmth, preferably between 65–85 degrees, so maintain indoor temperatures above 60 degrees. If the surrounding saturation is too low or the heat too high, its leaf-tips may start to brown over and … Searching... fetemphere is much to do and high more than meehumidity how there. Provide high humidity, ample water, and fertilizer every 2 to 3 weeks during the growing season. They are also not happy in a draughty area or near air conditioners. Frank will drop his leaves with any sign of stress so it’s important to keep him away from any windows, drafts or radiators. The water that evaporates from … High humidity is important for your Alocasia plant to thrive and survive. The perfect temperature range for this plant is 18°C (64.4°F) to 22 °C (71.6°F). Although it is an easy plant, it is not a recommended plant for beginners as it is sensitive to temperature and humidity. If you live in a drier climate or just don't have an area with enough humidity, then consider using a humidifier or a pebble tray with water. Prefers warm temperatures. Ideally keep above 15 ° C. … Similar striped petioles to an Alocasia zebrina.. If you think this Alocasia has a weird name, it all makes sense when you see the shape of this guy's leaves! Alocasias appreciate a little direct sunlight in the morningor afternoon but will become sun bleached if they get too much. Alocasia Stingray. Elephant Ear Stingray is a very unique variety. 'Stingray' has waxy green leaves, distinctly shaped with the wings and tail of a stingray. Alocasia 'Stingray' CareLikes moist but well-drained soil of moderate fertility in partial shade. A. cv. Since they are built to grow in the jungle, the more humidity you can provide the better! The plants for sale are happily growing in in 4”pots. Alocasia Stingray can be grown outdoors anywhere that has some humidity, but its best to protect it from freezing temps. TEMPERATURE. If you want an indoor plant that stands out from the rest, then Elephant Ear Stingray is the best bet! It has a visually interesting stem, and can grow rather large, given proper care. 'Stingray' has waxy green leaves, distinctly shaped with the wings and tail of a stingray. Watering the purple sword plant is just like watering any other Alocasia. Temperature & Humidity. Sold out. While this Alocasia is not a difficult plant in itself, it has very specific requirements that might be difficult to achieve consistently for a beginner. The Alocasia ‘Stingray’, is much like many Alocasias, but really sets itself apart with its very clear resemblance to a Stingray. The plant prefers bright indirect light, moist soil, and high humidity. Alocasia ‘Stingray’. Temperature Range for Alocasia Plant Care. Different Types of Alocasia Plants Bright Indirect. To keep an Alocasia Stingray happy you must plant it in a substrate that drains very well because it is a plant that you will often water. Alocasia comes from the Greek 'a' meaning without and 'Colocasia' the name of a closely allied genus, from which it was separated.. Characteristics Foliage. Frank will drop his leaves with any sign of stress so it’s important to keep him away from any windows, drafts or radiators. Temperature 18-25ºC (64-77ºF) is best for them, they’ll do well in most homes as long as they don’t get too cold in winter. This plant needs at least 50% room humidity to just unfurl the leaves. Real Easy. Alocasia belongs to the Araceae family and is known for its magnificent foliage. The Alocasia Stingray grows best with high humidity and bright, indirect light. In winter the plant absorbs less water. Filling a 1-inch deep pebble tray with water and placing it below your plant’s container on warmer days also aids in keeping a humid environment. This variety of alocasia will look great on a patio or near a swimming pool. Alocasia Polly Care Alocasia Amazonica Care Tips Tricks Youtube Plant Care Houseplant Plant Care Care . name: alocasia stingray (elephant ear)light: medium water: weeklyother: drainage, humidity, toxic to pets, mature size 3+ feet, hybrid plastic pot is included. If not, it might take vengeance! Black Stem Elephant Ear needs 0.8 cups of water every 9 days when it doesn't get direct sunlight and is potted in a 5.0" pot. Alocasia plants are certainly not the easiest to care for in winter. Plants absorb most water through their root system rather than their leaves, so the best way to provide humidity for your plants is through watering the soil. Their ideal temperature range is 65°F to 80°F (18°C – 27°C) for fast, vibrant growth. Name. Here’s all you need to know about Alocasia Stingray Care Indoors. ORIGINS. Water: Keep the compost moist with warm water. Indoors, grow in filtered light. Alocasia Stingray is nicknamed as such because of the shape of its leaves, it's easy to see why! The Story of ~ Alocasia Stingray. The first is to place your Alocasia in a 1-inch deep pebble tray. The water that evaporates from … Find out how you can increase humidity here. Alocasia Stingray will appreciate higher levels of humidity provided by misting or a humidifier. It has an upright clumping form with a fast growth rate and typically grows 1 to 2 m tall. Alocasia Stingray is an exotic and rare plant that is easy to keep alive as it does not require excessive care. Like all Alocasia, the leaves of ‘Stingray’ point upward and outward, which show off its ribbed, leathery, emerald green surface.The whiptail conclusion of its inward-curving edges earns ‘Stingray’ its name as this shape resembles the marine animal. But Alocasia are sensitive to having water sit on their leaves so when weighing up the pros and cons, it’s best to avoid misting these plants. Cold temperatures should be avoided. We recommend fertilizing this plant every month during spring and summer with a diluted general houseplant fertilizer. Name. If you feel your house has insufficient light, or a lack of light, an artificial light source would also suffice. Al Moderately Easy Care Bright Indirect Light 4 Inch Pot Alocasia Stingray is a very distinct type of alocasia; plant lovers adore its foliage resembling stingrays! They are commonly found in the Subtropical humid areas of Southeast Asia and Northeast Australia. Humidity Alocasia houseplants thrive when they receive lots of humidity which makes sense given their subtropical origins. Humidity Needs for Alocasia Plants. Alocasia Stingray is sold in a 10" diameter grow pot with drainage holes. The ideal environment for the Alocasia macrorrhiza ‘Stingray’ is a hot and humid space. The Alocasia Stingray is so named because of it’s adorable, stingray-shaped leaves! Filling a 1-inch deep pebble tray with water and placing it below your plant’s container on warmer days also aids in keeping a humid environment. If there is room by your front door, you can place them in this spot too to create a great first impression on your visitors. Cut back on water in the winter. Alocasia Cuprea “Red Secret” (L) AED 175 AED 95. Be the first to review “Stingray Alocasia | 6″ Pot” Cancel reply. For more information on how to address this issue, scroll down to 'Common Issues'. They do not like the cold and will not do well in areas that are not warm. The easiest way to do it is by placing your Alocasia on a tray with pebbles and water. Please review the product photo. This plant requires a high humidity environment (75% >) to thrive. The minimal temperature for Alocasia plants is 60°F (15°C). During the growing season, maintain high humidity and a warm temperature between 64.4-71.6°F (18-22°C), and fertilize every 2-3 weeks with a high-nitrogen fertilizer. alocasia stingray doesn’t require additional humidity. Out of stock. Keep the ambient temperature below 20 degrees Celsius. Alocasia Care Guide Sunlight: Alocasia are understory rainforest plants which means they thrive in shady conditions. Humidity: above average. Al Reviews. Sold out. These are wing-like and have a pointed tail, which makes their shape quite similar to an actual stingray. There are a number of ways which you can increase the humidity levels for your plant. Alocasia Stingray Care Tips. Prefers bright indirect light and must be kept above 16C. In the winter I need less water. Alocasia is a tropical plant from the Araceae family native to Asia and Eastern Australia. Light: Thrives best in well lit, bright conditions, however, direct sunlight will scorch the leaves. Mist the leaves regularly using a Mister, place a humidifier nearby, or use a pebble tray to raise the humidity. Alocasia x Stingray: Ariods140: Specifications: Alocasia x Stingray: ... Mist the plant regularly to ensure higher humidity. I place mine right next to my humidifier so the mist hits the leaves straight on. Alocasia "Stingray" $18.99. The minimal temperature for Alocasia plants is 60°F (15°C). Like all Alocasia, the leaves of ‘Stingray’ point upward and outward, which show off its ribbed, leathery, emerald green surface.The whiptail conclusion of its inward-curving edges earns ‘Stingray’ its name as this shape resembles the marine animal. An impressive plant with unique large leaves which resemble the wings and tail of its namesake. Alocasia Reginula Black Velvet. Watering, Humidity, and Misting. However, household air might be too dry, so use a room humidifier to regulate humidity. Alocasia x Stingray: Ariods140: Specifications: Alocasia x Stingray: ... Mist the plant regularly to ensure higher humidity. Alocasia Macrorrhiza Temperature & Humidity. Real Easy. Definitely also check the roots and trim back any mushy ones 1 More posts from the plantclinic community 1.1k Posted by 2 days ago GENUS . They Humidity: above average. Also ensure that it is not exposed to any drafts from windows air heaters fans and air conditioners. I owe this name to my striking, upright, wing-like leaves that end in a pointed tail that matches the tail of a stingray. Humidity: Alocasia would prefer higher humidity. Alocasia Macrorrhiza 'Stingray', aka Alocasia Stingray, certainly hits all the exotic houseplant points of being unusual, interesting, and attractive. This variety of alocasia will look great on a patio or near a swimming pool. Alocasia 'Stingray' CareLikes moist but well-drained soil of moderate fertility in partial shade. Alocasia Macrorrhiza 'Stingray' originates from the tropics of South East Asia and loves humidity. Alocasia macrorrhiza ‘Stingray’ and ‘Baby Ray’ ... Humidity. 2. Alocasia. Kitchens and bathrooms are the ideal spot for Alocasias as they will love the raised humidity levels. They So, you will have to mist the Alocasia zebrina leaves daily to ensure adequate moisture levels.. Of course, misting plant leaves daily is a time … The plants for sale are happily growing in in 4”pots. If the plant were to lose its leaves, it can regrow from the rhizome. For Local Pickup Orders: You’re … 60-70% humidity is ideal, they really do like high levels. My leaves can reach a length of 15 to 40 inches. Alocasia zebrina plants need high humidity for the best growth.Native to rainforests, Alocasia zebrina requires plenty of moisture in the air to thrive.Average household air tends to be too dry for Elephant Ear Tiger plants. ELEPHANT EAR This rare houseplant is one of the our favourite variations of Alocasia with its long stems and striking leaves resembling the body of a Stingray. In the winter I need less water. This will prevent the direct fall of sun rays. Alocasia care tips. Alocasia leaves drooping is most commonly due to overwatering or underwatering. name: alocasia stingray (elephant ear)light: medium water: weeklyother: drainage, humidity, toxic to pets, mature size 3+ feet, hybrid plastic pot is included. $25. Alocasia Dragon Scale Humidity. Provide high humidity, ample water, and fertilizer every 2 to 3 weeks during the growing season. Mist whenever you can. Water: Keep the compost moist with warm water. Requires an environment with above-average humidity. Alocasia like to have humidity levels of at least 60%, but would prefer 70% in a perfect world. The Alocasia stingray owes its name to the shape of its leaves. Variant: 4" Quantity: Please ensure that all items added to cart are from the same location. I would let it dry out more while increasing the surrounding humidity with a pebble tray. The Alocasia ‘Stingray’, is much like many Alocasias, but really sets itself apart with its very clear resemblance to a Stingray. High humidity is important for your Alocasia plant to thrive and survive. If you live in a drier climate or just don't have an area with enough humidity, then consider using a humidifier or a pebble tray with water. This Alocasia needs high humidity to flourish as well as bright indirect light so make sure that this over-the-top Indoor plant gets what it needs! Plants absorb most water through their root system rather than their leaves, so the best way to provide humidity for your plants is through watering the soil. Care: Likes moist but well-drained soil of moderate fertility in partial shade. Alocasia Care Guide Sunlight: Alocasia are understory rainforest plants which means they thrive in shady conditions. Other popular alocasia are: Alocasia Cuprea , Alocasia Stingray , Alocasia frydek . I owe this name to my striking, upright, wing-like leaves that end in a pointed tail that matches the tail of a stingray. Alocasia Polly Care Alocasia Amazonica Care Tips Tricks Youtube Plant Care Houseplant Plant Care Care . 1. Light: Thrives best in well lit, bright conditions, however, direct sunlight will scorch the leaves. 60% humidity is tolerable for them. Sunlight: Bright but indirect light- this is the precaution for the growth of an alocasia plant. In fact, they require 50% to 60% humidity levels to flourish indoors. The soil needs to be kept evenly moist and allowed to drain properly. The whiptail inclusions of its concave curving edges earns the Stingray its name, resembling t Avoid direct sunlight ... warm temperatures and high humidity hello . Water: let the plant dry out between waterings. Other common reasons include lighting problems, temperature stress, pests, dormancy, and low humidity. The soil must retain moisture and can be rich in nutrients. Alocasia Stingray is an exotic and rare plant that is easy to keep alive as it does not require excessive care. In the winter I need less water. Cut back on water in the winter. A pebble dish will do. Be careful placing your Alocasia too close to a heat source (like a vent or fireplace) as this can dry out the air too much. /. Do not allow the soil to dry out. Water thoroughly. There are no reviews yet. Alocasia Stingray Care Tips. Create a humidity tray to provide a moist and stable environment for your plant. Mist the leaves regularly using a Mister, place a humidifier nearby, or use a pebble tray to raise the humidity. The soil conditions. Alocasia macrorrhiza Stingray Care & Info Guide Horty Hints Turn up the heat! They can not complete the photosynthesis process below or up to this mark. The plant prefers bright indirect light, moist soil, and high humidity. Do not allow the soil to dry out. Create a humidity tray to provide a moist and stable environment for your plant. Location location location! I use an Appropriately named, Alocasia Stingray produces oddly shaped leaves thet resemble floating stingrays. They Alocasia Stingray is an exotic and rare plant that is easy to keep alive as it does not require excessive care. Amp the humidity! Keep humidity medium at 65 - 75%. ... High Humidity. /. Appropriately named, Alocasia Stingray produces oddly shaped leaves thet resemble floating stingrays. The soil conditions. I would let it dry out more while increasing the surrounding humidity with a pebble tray. 'Stingray' has waxy green leaves, distinctly shaped with the wings and tail of a stingray. In nature, alocasias grow in soils with a lot of organic matter and high humidity which makes the soil never dry out. It’s no surprise many Alocasia owners would like to know how to multiply their plant. Radiators = Humidity killers. These leaves emerge from an underground corm.A corm is the swollen base … Avoid direct sunlight ... warm temperatures and high humidity hello . Definitely also check the roots and trim back any mushy ones 1 More posts from the plantclinic community 1.1k Posted by 2 days ago This is one of the reasons that this species is often labeled as a diva, since they really won’t thrive very well in … Using a humidifier is the most effective way to raise humidity for your Alocasia. Alocasia Stingray Alocasia Stingray Sold out With their stingray-shaped leaves, this Alocasia is sure to be a conversation piece. Plant Height: 40cm Nursery Pot Size: 14cm. Alocasias need plenty of humidity. TEMPERATURE. The amount of water I need depends on various factors, such as: humidity and the amount of light. Temperature: Needs to … If you think this Alocasia has a weird name, it all makes sense when you see the shape of this guy's leaves! Searching... fetemphere is much to do and high more than meehumidity how there. Also ensure that it is not exposed to any drafts from windows air heaters fans and air conditioners. If there is room by your front door, you can place them in this spot too to create a great first impression on your visitors. Big stingray shaped leaves and stripy stalks, it's real funky. Alocasia Stingray is an exotic and rare plant that is easy to keep alive as it does not require excessive care. Alocasia Stingray can be grown outdoors anywhere that has some humidity, but its best to protect it from freezing temps. Alocasia plants are sold by their unique, large foliage. They are ground hardy here in Florida, but I try to keep them dry during the cold months to prevent rotting of the corm. The air around your Alocasia Polly, or Alocasia amazonica, should also stay relatively humid. GENUS . Temperature 18-25ºC (64-77ºF) is best for them, they’ll do well in most homes as long as they don’t get too cold in winter. The Story of ~ Alocasia Red Secret. Alocasia Stingray is a tropical plant that loves warm and humid environments although it can survive in slightly different conditions.
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